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Trivia: What is the significance of internal audit



Supervise the economic activities of enterprises and find out the fraud in time

Through the supervision of enterprises' accounting activities, internal audit institutions can discover problems in time, ensure the authenticity of accounting data and the legal compliance of accounting activities, reduce the occurrence of fraud, ensure the security of enterprise funds, and promote the sound development of enterprises.

Perfect and perfect enterprise internal control

Internal audit is an important part of the internal control system, fair and effective internal audit helps to improve the internal environment, to improve the internal control of the enterprise plays an important role in promoting.

To effectively manage enterprise risks and reduce operational risks

With the development of economy, the audit mode gradually develops from the traditional to the risk-oriented audit mode. Many enterprises apply the risk-oriented audit mode to internal audit, which helps enterprises to pay attention to risks, identify risks, conduct real-time and effective supervision and control of enterprise risks, and reduce operational risks. At the same time, the improvement of internal control through internal audit is conducive to the comprehensive management of risks

Improve enterprise management and promote enterprises to establish a more advanced enterprise system

Internal audit not only supervises and evaluates the accounting activities of enterprises, but also pays attention to other business activities and management of enterprises, coordinates the cooperation between various departments of enterprises, improves the level of enterprise management, and encourages enterprises to establish a more scientific and advanced modern enterprise system.

5. Contribute to the healthy operation of the market economy

Effective and sound internal design can provide reliable information for external audit, and cooperate with external audit to better supervise the economic activities of enterprises, which is conducive to the healthy development of market economy.

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